Kunci jawaban kelas 5 Semester II Bahasa Inggris - Final Summative Test


  1. Write five activities you do during Indonesian Independence day celebration!

    (Tulis lima aktivitas yang kamu lakukan selama hari kemerdekaan!)

    Write in the table below!

    (Tulis di tabel di bawah ini!)


    Activities during Indonesian Independence Day

    Answer: Teacher’s Policy

    Final Summative Test


    1. Choose the right answer!

      (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)

      1. How do we say it?

        July 21st

        1. July twenty first

        2. July, Twenty onest

        3. July Twentyone

        4. July twenty oneth

          Answer: a

          Cara membaca kalender yang tepat berdasarkan gambar adalah July the twenty first.

      2. Twenty days later is

        July 21nd

        1. July twenty first

        2. July twenty seven

        3. July twenty second

        4. July twenty third

          Answer: c

          Dua puluh hari selanjutnya setelah tanggal kalender tersebut adalah July the twenty second.

      3. In that day,we celebrate ….

        August 17th

        1. Independence day

        2. Education day

        3. Labor day

        4. Christmas

          Answer: a

          Tanggal 17 Agustus merupakan peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia.

      4. In that day, we celebrate ….

        May 1st

        1. Independence day

        2. Education day

        3. Labor day

        4. Christmas

          Answer: c

          Tanggal 1 Mei merupakan Hari Buruh Nasional.

      5. Xavier : I think TV program is … than


        Yayuk : I agree with you. TV has audio

        and visual system.

        1. less interesting

        2. more interesting

        3. worse

        4. the worst

          Answer: b

          Xavier dan Yayuk sedang berdiskusi tentang acara TV dan radio. Yayuk sependapat dengan Xavier yang menyatakan bahwa acara TV lebih menarik dibandingkan radio.

      6. Tania : I like the “Galaxy radio” very

        much. The programs are very interesting.

        Vira : I know, it is good, but the “Family Radio” is ….

        1. good c. better

        2. worse d. bad

          Answer: c

          Vira yang lebih baik membandingkan “radio Galaxy” dan “Radio Keluarga”, menunjukkan bahwa “Radio Keluarga” lebih baik daripada “radio Galaxy”.

      7. Andi : We are in hurry. How should

        we go, Dul?

        Dullah : I think motorcycle will be better,

        because it is … than bike.

        1. fast c. slow

        2. faster d. slower

          Answer: b

          Dullah menyarankan untuk menggunakan sepeda motor karena lebih cepat dibandingkan sepeda saat sedang terburu-buru.

      8. Maman : I have to go to Jakarta tomorrow,

        but I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket. How can I go there?

        Ilyas : You can go there by an

        economy-class train.

        Maman : How about the executive-


        Ilyas : It’s … the economy-class, but

        it is more expensive.

        1. better than c. worse than

        2. the worst d. the best

          Answer: a

          Yang lebih parah dari Ilyas adalah membandingkan kereta api kelas eksekutif dengan kereta api kelas ekonomi. Ia menyebutkan kelas eksekutif lebih buruk dibandingkan kelas ekonomi karena lebih mahal.

      9. This is the … cat I’ve ever seen.


        Answer: d

        What is the name of that body parts?

        1. heart

        2. lungs

        3. kidney

        4. liver

          1. cutest c. cuter

          2. cute d. cutey

            Answer: a

            Kalimat yang mendeskripsikan kucing sebagai yang paling lucu, menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah kucing paling menggemaskan yang pernah dilihat pembicara.

      10. Lion is the … animal in the world.

        1. most ferocious c. naughtiest

        2. tamest d. best

          Answer: a Singa paling ganas dikenal karena keganasannya. Di antara pilihan yang diberikan, “paling ganas” dengan tepat menggambarkan singa sebagai hewan paling ganas dan agresif di dunia.

      11. We use it to ….

        1. chew

        2. break food

        3. smell something

        4. see something

          Answer: a

          Fungsi dari gigi adalah untuk mengunyah makanan.

      12. Its function is to ….

        1. pump the blood

        2. make us stronger

        3. breathe

        4. see something

          Answer: a

          Fungsi dari jantung adalah memompa darah.

      13. What is the name of that body parts?

        1. heart

        2. lungs

        3. kidney

        4. liver

          Answer: b

          Nama dari organ di atas adalah paru-paru.

          Nama dari organ di atas adalah liver.

          1. We use contact lenses for our ….

            1. eyes c. mouth

            2. nose d. teeth

              Answer: a

              Lensa kontak digunakan untuk mata, membantu koreksi penglihatan tanpa menggunakan kacamata.

          2. The fried rice is full of chilli

            It tastes ….

            1. spicy c. bitter

            2. delicious d. sweet

              Answer: a

              Kalimat tersebut menandakan bahwa nasi gorengnya penuh dengan cabai, sehingga terasa pedas karena adanya cabai.

          3. Kapuas river is long, But Nile river is ....

            1. longer c. narrower

            2. shorter d. sweeter

              Answer: a

              Sungai Kapuas disebut-sebut lebih panjang, namun sungai Nil kemungkinan besar lebih panjang, sehingga “lebih panjang” adalah pilihan yang tepat.

          4. Harno doesn’t have much friend. He is a/an … person.

            1. extroverted

            2. introverted

            3. happy

            4. cheerful

              Answer: b

              Harno tidak mempunyai banyak teman menandakan dia introvert, artinya dia pendiam dan lebih suka menghabiskan waktu sendirian atau bersama sekelompok kecil teman dekat.

          5. The opposite of tall is ….

            1. short

            2. new

            3. old

            4. young

              Answer: a

              Kebalikan dari tinggi, yang menggambarkan tinggi badan, adalah pendek.

          6. Jamal : What do you think about Dina? Jasmin : She is a …. Person. No one likes her.

            1. rude c. worse than

            2. sweet d. happy

          Answer: a

          Jasmin menyiratkan bahwa Dina tidak disukai orang lain, mengisyaratkan dia mungkin berperilaku kasar atau tidak menyenangkan. Oleh karena itu, “kasar” sesuai dengan konteks yang diberikan.

    2. Answer the following questions correctly!

(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!)

My Bag

I have a bag. Its colour is grey.

I always bring it whenever I go to school. It is made of strong fabric.

My bag isn’t expensive, but it is very useful to me. My bag has several different parts.

The first part is the pocket where I put scissors, hand phone, double tip, mirror, and tissues. The second part is the main part. I always put my books, my pencil case, my lunch box, and my electronic dictionary.

And the last part is small pocket at the right and left side of the bag.

I keep a big bottle of plain water in this pocket.

I often wash my bag, because it makes my bag clean.

  1. What is the color of the writer’s bag?

    Answer: The color is grey

  2. What is the bag made of?

    Answer: The bag is made of the strong fabric

  3. How many parts does the writer’s bag have?

    Answer: Three parts

  4. What is the function of the first part?

    Answer: Where the writer puts scissors, handphone, double tip, mirror and tissue

  5. Does the writer often clean her bag?

    Answer: Yes, she does

  6. What is the name of that body parts?

    Answer: The name is knee

  7. What is the function of that body parts?

    Answer: To smell something

  8. What is the name of that body parts?

    Answer: The name is kidney

    The following dialogue is for questions number 9 to 10!

    Naura : Is Melati better than Ringgo at speaking English?

    Devan : Yes, she is. Melati is better than Ringgo at speaking English. Naura : Who is better between Melati than Ringgo at mathematic?

    Devan : Ringgo is better than Melati at mathematic

  9. Who is the best English speaker based on the text above?

    Answer: Melati

  10. Who has the best score in Mathematic based on the text above?

Answer: Ringgo

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