Kunci jawaban kelas 5 Semester II Bahasa Inggris - Summative Assessment Chapter 4


Choose the right answer!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)


Whale is … fish in the world.


Where did the writer during the holiday?

a. the biggest

a. beach c. library

b. the shortest

b. mountain d. gallery

c. the largest

Answer: a

d. the narrowest

Penulis mengunjungi pantai terindah selama

Answer: a

Kalimatnya adalah membandingkan ukuran ikan paus dengan ikan lainnya, menandakan ia adalah ikan terbesar di dunia.

  1. Snake is … animal.

    1. the longest c. the thickest

    2. the shortest d. the thinnest

Answer: a

Kalimatnya adalah membandingkan panjang ular dengan hewan lain, menandakan ia adalah hewan yang paling panjang.

The following text is for questions number 3 to 5!

During my holiday, I had the most amazing time ever!

I visited the most beautiful beach I’ve ever

seen, with the clearest water and softest sand.

The weather was perfect, and I enjoyed the most delicious seafood dishes at a local restaurant.

It was truly the best vacation I’ve ever had!

liburan mereka, seperti yang disebutkan dalam


  1. What did the writer feel at that time?

    1. happy

    2. disappointed

    3. dejected

    4. sad

      Answer: a

      Teks tersebut menggambarkan pengalaman penulis selama liburan sebagai liburan yang menakjubkan dan terbaik yang pernah ada, menunjukkan perasaan bahagia.

  2. What kind of food that the writer eats in the restaurant?

    1. seafood

    2. fried rice

    3. fried chicken

    4. noodle

      Answer: a

      Penulis menikmati hidangan seafood terlezat di restoran lokal selama liburan.

  3. Amin is … student in the school.

    1. as active as

    2. the same active

    3. more active

    4. the most active

      Answer: d

      Kalimat tersebut adalah membandingkan Amin dengan siswa lain dalam hal keaktifan, menandakan dia adalah siswa paling aktif di sekolah.

  4. Endah : What do you think of those


    Rina : I think the red one … than the


    1. suitabler

    2. the most suitable

    3. more suitable

    4. the suitablest

      Answer: b

      Rina adalah membandingkan baju merah dengan yang lain, menandakan lebih cocok dari yang lain.

  5. In 2000, England is the … in winter of all


    1. coolest

    2. cooler

    3. most cool

    4. cool

      Answer: a

      Kalimatnya adalah membandingkan Inggris dengan negara lain dalam hal suhu musim dingin, yang menunjukkan bahwa Inggris adalah yang paling keren di antara negara-negara tersebut.

  6. Putri : Was Indonesian team as strong

    as Japan?

    Nanda : No, I think Japan was stronger

    than Indonesia.

    Putri : But …, China, Japan or


    Nanda : China.

    1. which team is the strongest

    2. which team is the weakest

    3. which country plays better

    4. which country plays better

      Answer: a

      Putri meminta Nanda membandingkan kekuatan tim, menandakan dia menanyakan tim mana yang terkuat.

  7. That is ….. sound I’ve ever heard

    1. loudest c. loud

    2. louder d. more loud

Answer: a

Kalimat tersebut membandingkan kenyaringan suatu suara dengan suara lain, menandakan itu adalah suara paling keras yang pernah penulis dengar.

B. Read the text and then answer the questions!

(Baca teks berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaannya!)

My mountain vacation was absolutely fantastic!

The views were amazing, with the tallest peaks and the greenest valleys.

The air was the freshest I’ve ever breathed, and the weather was the most pleasant throughout

the day.

I had the best time hiking on the most scenic trails and exploring the most picturesque landscapes.

It was the most unforgettable experience of my life!

  1. Where did the writer go?

    Answer: He went to the mountain

  2. What does the writer think about the mountain’s view?

    Answer: It is beautiful

  3. What about the air in the mountain?

    Answer: It is fresh

  4. What did the writer feel at that time?

    Answer: He was happy

  5. Write one superlative sentence based on the text above!

Answer: The views were amazing, with the tallest peaks and the greenest valleys








Translate the text into Indonesian!

(Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)

  1. I will tell you the easiest way to solve the problem.

    Answer: (Saya akan mengatakan padamu cara termudah untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.)

  2. It’s the sunniest day this week.

    Answer: (Ini hari tercerah minggu ini.)

  3. Yuni is the cleverest of all.

    Answer: (Yuni terpintar dari semuanya.)

  4. Blue whale is the largest mammals in the world.

    Answer: (Paus biru adalah mamalia terbesar di dunia.)

  5. This is the simplest recipe to make a cheese cake.

Answer: (Ini resep paling sederhana untuk membuat kue keju.)


Describe your father.

(Deskripsikan ayahmu)

Describe in five sentences

(Deskripsikan dalam lima kalimat)

Use superlative in each sentence

(Gunakan superlative di tiap kalimatnya)

Write in the box below

(Tulislah di box yang tersedia di bawah inI)

Answer: Teacher’s Policy

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