Kunci jawaban kelas 5 Semester II Bahasa Inggris - Summative Assessment Chapter 2

    1. Summative Assessment Chapter 2

      1. Choose the right answer!

        (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)

        1. The house is …

          1. big

          2. colorful

          3. small

          4. narrow

            Answer: a

            Gambar menunjukkan sebuah rumah yang

  1. Look at the boy

    The boy is ….

    Answer: a

    1. fat

    2. thin

    3. happy

    4. sad


        1. The shoes are …..

          1. light

          2. heavy

          3. strong

          4. clean

            Answer: d

            Gambar menunjukkan sepatu yang bersih.

        2. Mr. Haris can lift 100 kg

          Mr. Haris is ….

          1. strong c. thick

          2. weak d. thin

            Answer: a

            Pak Haris mampu mengangkat beban 100kg. Artinya, Pak Haris merupakan orang yang kuat.

        3. Mr. Candrawinatha is often sick

          He is ….

          1. strong c. thick

          2. weak d. thin

            Answer: b

            Pak Chandrawinata sering sakit. Oleh karena itu, daya tahan tubuhnya lemah.

        4. Look at the book

          The book is ….

          1. thick

          2. thin

          3. small

          4. happy

            Answer: a

            Gambar menunjukkan buku yang tebal.

            Gambar menunjukkan anak laki-laki bertubuh


            The following text is for questions number 7 to 10!

            Meet my sister Bianca She is one year old She is a cute baby She looks fat

            She is a cheerful baby

            Everyone likes her

            I am happy to have sister like Bianca

  2. Who is the writer talking about?

    1. Her sister c. Her mother

    2. Her father d. Her brother

      Answer: a

      Penulis sedang berbicara tentang saudara perempuannya Bianca di bagian tersebut.

  3. How old is Bianca?

    1. One year old

    2. Two years old

    3. Three years old

    4. Four years old

      Answer: a

      Pada bagian tersebut disebutkan bahwa Bianca berumur satu tahun. Informasi ini disebutkan secara langsung dalam teks.

  4. What does the writer think about Bianca?

    1. She is cute

    2. She is horrible

    3. She is ugly

    4. She is big

      Answer: a

      Penulis mengungkapkan opini positif tentang Bianca, menggambarkannya sebagai bayi yang lucu. Informasi ini diberikan dalam bagian ini.

  5. What is Bianca’s characteristic?

    1. She is cheerful

    2. She is reserved

    3. She is introverted

    4. She is naughty

Answer: a

Bagian tersebut menyebutkan bahwa Bianca adalah bayi yang ceria. Ciri-ciri ini secara eksplisit dinyatakan dalam teks, yang menunjukkan bahwa dia lincah dan gembira.

  1. Answer the following questions correctly!

    (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!)

    1. What does the snake look like?

      Answer: It is long

    2. What does the boy look like?

      Answer: It looks thin

      The following text is for questions number 3 to 5!

      This is my brother

      My brother’s name is Fahri

      He is fat

      He likes eating candy But, he is cute

      Everyone likes to pinch his cheek However, Fahri is a little bit naughty But, it’s okay because he is still a child

    3. What is the writer’s brother name?

      Answer: Fahri

    4. Why do people like to pinch his cheek?

      Answer: Because he is fat

    5. Is Fahri a naughty boy?

Answer: Yes, he is

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